
Each year our shelter has hundreds of devoted community members that support our shelter through volunteering. Our volunteers play a vital role in our organization’s success! Volunteers perform various tasks from socializing/caring for shelter animals, cleaning around the shelter, taking photos and assisting with offsite adoption events.
We love volunteers of all ages! An adult must accompany any volunteer under the age of 16 years old. We do ask the supervising parent or guardian also complete the steps to become a volunteer.

How do I become a volunteer?

  1. Complete the Volunteer Application, training video, and quiz here.
  2. Sign up for an Orientation session here.
    • Orientation sessions are held several times a month. Our weekday sessions all begin at 5:30 PM and Saturday sessions begin at 10:00 AM.  There is no orientation fee, but for $10 you can purchase an OCHS volunteer t-shirt.  We have limited space in our training sessions.
    • If you see that you will not be able to attend your scheduled Orientation session, please delete your sign up to allow other volunteers to attend.

Volunteer Resources

Volunteer Handbook

Volunteer Agreement 0317

Sign Up for Volunteer Orientation – after completing an application

Sign Up for Volunteer Hours

If your group or organization would like to volunteer, please contact our Volunteer Coordinator at volunteer@ochsms.org.